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Notes on Hyperpigmentation

A frequent topic discussed in the treatment room. Pigmentation can be difficult to treat. But over the years I have seen phenomenal improvements with my clients skin by educating them on how to care for the skin more mindfully during the summer months, on holidays, during pregnancy and in general as we get older.

What is Hyperpigmentation?
Pigmentation is when areas of your face are darker than others. This is triggered by an increase in melanin production (the natural pigment that gives our skin, hair & eyes colour)

Why do we get it?
Hyperpigmentation can be caused by genetics, hormones, age, UV exposure, injuries and medication.

Skin Wise Tips for reducing and improving Pigmentation:

  • Never leave the house without SPF on your skin. All those 10 minute walks and bike rides with unprotected skin will lead to damage and discoloration in time.
  • Sun protection goes further than just using SPF. Hats, protective clothing, sunglasses and shade are all equally as important when exposed to UV rays.
  • Keep your skin cool. Use cold rollers, cold sheet masks, cold towels to calm your skin down.
  • Re apply your SPF every 2 hours when exposed to the sun. Even when wearing makeup or sitting in the shade.
  • Limit use of active acids, retinols and avoid invasive treatments while being directly in the sun.

Skin Wise top product picks for pigmentation:

Prevention is better than cure when it comes to pigmentation.

A link for the best sun hat

Favorite body SPF -

 If you want a tan, get it from a bottle! Here are my favorites. 

Body -

Face -

What keeps a woman looking young? A study of identical twins reveals some surprising answers.

Jeanne and Susan

Age: 61 Jeanne (left) is the twin who commented that her sister looks “ten years older” — in fact, the researchers upped that to an 11-and-a-quarter-year edge. The reasons for Susan’s condition are that she smoked for 16 years of her life, sunbathes, and weighs 15 pounds less. Since her 20s, Susan (right) has spent as much time as she could in the sun (she has plenty of opportunity on Florida’s east coast, where she moved more than a decade ago). Jeanne, meanwhile, has aimed for “as little exposure as possible.” Besides causing Susan’s dark, patchy discoloration and age spots, UV light also reduces skin’s elasticity, increasing wrinkles and deepening creases, Guyuron says. -